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reducing bias

No bias? That is a little unlikely

Unconscious thought patterns make everyday life and work easier, they are quick and they are often very helpful. At the same time, bias can stand in the way of inclusive diversity. 

In talent management, dissonant perceptions like conformity or stereotyping, affinity tendency or the halo effect have detrimental effects.

In our programs, you develop suitable processes to reduce unconscious bias. Our Business Case for Reducing Bias points out the benefits.

Business Case Reducing Bias

Business Case

Why reduce unconscious bias?

diversity, inclusion

diversity, inclusion

unconscious bias

unconscious bias

mobility, relocation

mobility, relocation

teams, inclusive

teams, inclusive

projects, global

projects, global

gaps and bridges

gaps and bridges



Dr. Cornelius Goerres
+49 89 48 999 838

Heinrich-Heine-Str. 13
D – 80686 München
